Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Yesterday morning our whole farm looked like the winter wonderland! As far as I can, everything was dressed in white! The trees, the patches of plains and the houses. These particular pieces of ice came off of my brother's car. It took at least 5 minutes for the windshield to defrost before we could leave for school. Everything is back to normal green again, as it warmed up a lot since then. With that being said, it was just so pretty to see. Also made me think of my homeland Russia where I was born and lived up my adolescent years. Wish it was real snow  Next winter, I'll make a good effort to make my way to one of the Northern states for some snow fun.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Warrior Dash 2013, February, 2nd

Dear blog,

It would be a complete understatement of the century if I say that yesterday was a one super fantastic day! Words cannot simply sum up the joy and excitement I have experienced this past Saturday! My sister and I participated in one of the most funnest races ever! They call it the Warrior Dash! It's a 5k, obstacle course! The obstacles contain of mud mounds, giant cliffhanger, cargo climb, dead-weight drifter, vicious valley to just name the few. I do feel a lot of pain this morning, however I regret nothing! It was one of the challenging, fun-filled, chilling to the bone and adventures things I have ever been part.  For future reference, I should definitely train for next race!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Boy, did the time fly this week. I hardly remember what all that went on during this past few days. And it's not because I went out and got drunk every night. I don't drink. With that being said, I did start college, as you know.  Juggling life has been quite interesting, but I like it. Speaking of school. Yesterday, my brother and I went out to do our class assignment. We are learning how to read peoples body language. It was really fun. We went from cafés to a restaurant then a bookstore to watch people interact and converse with each other. I have learned so much, I feel as if I am now part psychic :)

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Motivation check!

Good morning blog! It is so nice to see you again. Please forgive me for taking so long to get back to you with my daily updates. If it makes you feel any better not much had happened since we've had spoken last. I've rearranged my daily routine to where it is more manageable for me as a first time student. I am now a part-time employee and a part-time student. Slowly but surely I am easing into college life as days go by. Thus far, college is contrary to what I have envisioned it would be. Taking everything into account, college does come with it's own challenges and overwhelming times, but you don't have to be a student to know stress firsthand. Truth is, stress exist: whether it is within your school, work place, or home, everyone will experience it at some point in their life. The secret is to get best of it, stand your ground! Focus on the positive: your goals, aims, sense of achievement, or whatever else that encourage you to keep on climbing that hard-won climb. It's only been a couple of weeks but I've learn so much already. I now know how write a paper in a specific format, not to be shy to speak up, be more independent, use and work my imagination, spend my time carefully and wisely, but most importantly I have taken a first step to my dream career. Just to think how much more immense and embellished my gain and growth in education is going to be years from now. Most of all, how wonderful and rewarding it is going to be to reflect back on this day as an accomplished pathfinder.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

An interesting morning

This morning, my brother and I helped our older brother to take his adorable 6 basset-hound pups to the Veterinarian to get their health certifications. The ride to Doctor's office was only 25 minutes long.  Who would of thought that in 25 minutes, groomed and clean puppies, would throw up, go potty in the car, get dirty and then bounce all over you. How did I get the back seat? 

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

This has been the longest day I have had in while. Almost completely isolated from the world but my room, I spend hours upon hours: thinking, looking up words, creating and proofreading my work. I know it was worth it, don't think I would do it all over though. Ending this day with a cup of cherry tea.

Monday, January 14, 2013

What a day!

Dear blog, it has been quite a day for me. I feel so accomplished and happy.  I went to school today, did a little bit of shopping shortly after, watched my favorite TV show, cuddled with a new born (week old) puppy every chance I got, did some work around our house and the yard while listening to my favorite music. In a few minutes, I am going start on some of my homework and possibly read my favorite book later....I like days like these..

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Happy Sun-day!

Happy Sunday! I just finished my last school assignment for the day! Time to get ready to head to work to my peeps! Looking forward to what God has in store in the week ahead!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Poet in the making?


 You might have seen this by now, however I'd like for this to be my intro post. The poem is a summarised version of my life and some of the experiences that I've encountered over the years .I have never seriously considered myself as a writer, nor poetically gifted, however I really like this piece.

I was born and lived abroad.
At age fourteen I was brought,
With my sister to the states,
Into a family where we were one plus eight.
We got adopted into a home, but there are more of us here now.
Dad, mom, quintuple girls, fourfold boys, altogether we are a force.
Live just peachy on a great farm, raising animals and chow! - Inessa Kann (me)